Strength :
1a) Hang Power Snatch: 6 x 3 @70%. Rest 90s.
– This is 6 “work sets”
– take 3-4 sets to build to a moderate weight.
– Beginner: Work technique with a light bar
1b) Banded Pull-apart at eye level: In between sets of Hang Power Snatch perform 10 slow + controlled banded pull-aparts.
Rest 30s.
Metcon :
“Up the Wall”
1 Rope Climb
10 T2B
15 Power Snatch (75, 55)
Rx+:(Legless RC) (95, 65)
L3: (65, 35) (3 Strict Chin-ups)
L2: (55, 25) (3 Strict BA Chin-ups)
L1: (45, 25) (8 Ring Rows)