
Warm Up : (10 Minutes)

Rowling in Teams of 2:
Each athlete will complete 5 sets


Mobility : (5 Minutes)

– Have athlete choice 3 spots and spend
1:00 on each with either foam roller or
lax ball


Metcon : (35 Minutes)

In teams of 2:
For time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Overhead Squats (75, 55)
Run 800 Meters
100 Power Snatches (75, 55)
Run 600 Meters
L3: (65, 35)
L2: (55, 25)
L1: (45, 25)
35:00 Cap. One person works. Split
work however desired.


Accessory : (5 Minutes)

Banded Leg Curls x 100 each


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