WOD 1: For quality- Tabata hanging L-sit
WOD 2: For time:
800m run
Then on a continuous clock,
21-15-9 reps of deadlifts and wallball shots
A: 225/155
I: 185/135
B: 135/95
Score #1 = 800m run time.
Score #2 = total time of run and 21-15-9.
WOD 1: For quality- Tabata hanging L-sit
WOD 2: For time:
800m run
Then on a continuous clock,
21-15-9 reps of deadlifts and wallball shots
A: 225/155
I: 185/135
B: 135/95
Score #1 = 800m run time.
Score #2 = total time of run and 21-15-9.
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